Here’s What You Need to Know  about Attending a Live Demonstration of Mediumship

There is ample parking across the street from the building as well as the parking lot at Shine Massage and Spa.

Once you enter the building the venue is in the back.  There will be a person to greet you at the door, take your ticket or payment at the door of the demonstration room and orient you before the start of the event.

     The demonstration will begin promptly at 7:30.

Please be in your seat no later than 7:25. Optimal arrival time is between 7 and 7:25. No one will be admitted after 7:30 paid or not. Leaving the demonstration before its conclusion may cause problems to Bethann and drop the energy I the room that has been and will continue to be built. Please make sure you don’t need to leave the room as it could ruin the evening for everyone.

Cell phones MUST be OFF or in your vehicle outside.

    Please refrain from use of recreational drugs, unnecessary medications or alcohol use within 6 hours of attendance.

          No photography is allowed.

          If you have a communicable disease or illness, common cough or cold, you should not attend.

          If you feel you will become unnerved or stressed in any way by receiving information or healing from a disincarnate loved one you should not attend.

          Please have only a light meal at dinner.

          Please maintain a quiet demeanor throughout the event.

          Please come to the demonstration with an open mind.

          All attendees must be at least 18 years of age or older.  Special permission may be obtained by emailing xxxxxxxxxxxxx.

Once your loved one is identified,   allow  yourself to feel your loved one around you and their energy as it’s purpose is to provide healing they have for you. We can reject Them as easily as we can feel Them.

Not everyone hears from a loved one but all messages and the energy with them can affect everyone in the room.  Though our individual problems seem unusual or unique often we have all had similar issues that are latent and yet unresolved even if we are out of touch with them.  You will receive healing, if you allow, it via any reading given during a Demonstration.


We request that when the evidence given appears to fit with one of your ancestors that you communicate to Bethann that it might be for you but do not give too much information except that you can take the evidence, even if it isn’t perfectly aligned with the characteristics of age, cause of passing etc.  If more than one person can take the evidence given Bethann will go deeper into the energy of the Loved One to get more information in order to know who among those who think the Loved One might be for them.


You are welcome to email xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (who?—maybe the admin/schedule/ticket taker person I have yet to find for my local events— I have someone I am interviewing this weekend – the venue for events out of Jacksonville usually have people who do this as they collect the money and then give me 70% based on total sales) if you have any other questions.

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