Improve Relationships, heal unresolved old trauma, grief and long standing stress of all types, and learn to self heal through Attunement Energy Skills.
Bethann can assist you via individual sessions or classes to clear up the nagging self doubt and unresolved stress to restore your inner world and it’s power. “As within, so without”, Bethann will guide you to heal, know and utilize your full potential from the inside out. Your life and relationships will heal and change to bring you more of the joy and peace you have been seeking in your body, relationships and life interests.
“Whatever it is, it just needs more Light”
— Eamonn Downey, 43 year British Medium and Teacher
Distance Healing
In-Person Sessions
Microcurrent Treatments
I have so much gratitude for you and your work, it is a total game changer! You change lives.
How does it work?
“This process utilizes my kinesthetic and intuitive skill set. Specifically, I see energy pictures. My training has also allowed me to become a clear and authentic channel for Spirit to provide direct and timely information and high frequency healing energy to shift the client on their specific issue. I sense and see the flow of energy or lack thereof. I can translate this into words to help the client connect and relate to these patterns through their conscious thoughts, emotions and behaviors.”
“The client is taught how to be an active rather than passive participant in the process of what I do with them.”
“The active role for the client enables them to receive what I transfer with ease and the ability to utilize it in their lives. The energy I transfer is of a high quality that comes from the universal energy web via my body as the conduit, to the clients to reset energy flow or clear blocks.”
— Bethann Vetter
5D Ascension —Status Update
Since 1964, we have been on a gradual but steady upward trajectory for the Ascension of our world and human consciousness into a higher frequency of the 5th Dimension (for more info about what 5D is about, see my website blog).In recent years, the rising frequency...
Honoring Your Deepest Desires
I won’t even address the baser level of the title. If you are reading this, you know me and what I mean. We have been hoodwinked inside this video game run by the corporate elite since before March 2020 but clearly since. It’s their last ditch effort to gain control...
We Have Reached The Tipping Point
In spite of the many delays created by Galactic Federation Intelligence with the Ascension process of Earth so that we can take our rightful, and long awaited place in the Galactic Community, the last weekend of June, we finally reached the 60% consciousness level...

Bethann Vetter
About Bethann Vetter
I am an energy healer/therapist as known as a trance medium. A medium is a conduit (think PVC pipe) to the great power of Universal energy. I am also a teacher of the same energy healing skills I use for myself and my clients. I use my abilities to assist the clearing of energetic blocks in the form of emotional, mental or spiritual stress in my client’s bodies. The energy skills, methods and tools I use, remove blockages in the body-mind-universal energy connectivity resulting in clearing up old trauma, lingering grief and other unresolved sadness, depression, anxiety or other stress. Clearing these blocks will produce heightened awareness, sense of inner peace and ability to make improved life choices and ability to resolve stressful patterns in relationships, work and overall life satisfaction.
Since I was a child …