On Saturday September 24, 2016 I will teach meditation classes. From 12-2 will be for Beginners and from 2:30 to 4:30 will be for Intermediate and Advanced.
Beginners Description: If you have never meditated or you continue to try but are regularly disturbed by thoughts or physical symptoms. In this class we will work on getting a strong “mute” for the body and mind. We will also learn more about our energy field and learning how to differentiate between each other’s fields. Healing techniques to heal the body and mind will also be learned and experienced. Experiential exercises and meditation practice with group energy support. Class size limited to 8.
Intermediate/Advanced Description: This class is for those that have been meditating for at least 1 year consistently, with or without formal training. An explanation of the technique I use and the reason for it will be reviewed and practiced. We review and answer questions regarding the process of muting the body as a means to a strong connection to spirit. We will take a more advanced look at sensory identification of different energy fields. We will discuss and begin to practice use of meditation for healing one’s stress issues, physical, mental, emotional or social. Class size limited to 8.
Beginner’s Meditation Class:
When: Saturday, September 24, 2016
Time: 12noon-2pm
Where: 2902 Isabella Blvd, Suite 50
Jacksonville Beach, FL 32250
Cost: $20.00
RSVP no later than 9/21/16
Advanced Meditation Class:
When: Saturday September 24, 2016
Time: 2:30-4:30pm
Where 2902 Isabella Blvd, Suite 50
Jacksonville Beach, FL 32250
Cost: $20.00
RSVP no later than 9/21/16
Intermediate/Advanced Students are welcome to attend the beginner class if they are interested in the break down of the technique in order to learn it better.
Chairs will be provided. You are welcome to bring a mat or pillow if you prefer to sit on the floor.
PLEASE RSVP if you plan to attend by the deadline listed above.
Author: Bethann Vetter
Bethann Vetter is a Holistic Therapist, Medium and Teacher. She uses frequency balancing tools via her Mediumship in Trance skills to locate and provide the frequencies your unique set of imbalances requires. She uses her own subtle energy body technique, Epigenetic Reprogramming to help you clear subconscious level blocks. Frequency Specific Microcurrent is used for specific cellular level healing. Classes are available in active meditation skills such as mediumship and trance healing skills. Trance Healing sessions called QHHT© are also offered. Her frequency balancing ability works similar to the way Edgar Cayce worked. She tunes in to your issues and provides you with the necessary information, substances you might need as well as adjusting your frequency to a higher harmonic level. Her work is done by appointment only at a distance or in her office in Jacksonville Beach, FL.