When the new injury protocols are applied WITHIN 4 HOURS of the injury or surgery, the inflammatory process never sets up and healing is VERY accelerated to the point that the wound can close within 48 hours. If treated within the 4 hour window the body will not lay down the weaker replacement tissue that is does when inflammation sets up but will replace the area with new strong tissue just like what was there.   Pain and bruising are eliminated or reduced.  Accident injuries, including whiplash injuries, and post-operative surgical sites have the same response to these protocols.

Optimal is 4 hours but if you can receive the protocols within 24 hours inflammation is minimal and future chronic issues will be limited or non-existent. If the frequencies are applied after 24 hours of the injury/surgery the recovery process proceeds as expected but is accelerated over what is expected in a non-FSM (Frequency Specific Microcurrent) treated client.

Terrell Owens amazing recovery after he fractured his tibia in the game on 12-19-04 was due to being treated with FSM within 4 hours of the injury.  Thanks to FSM, he played in the Superbowl because he was treated within 4 hours after the surgery and daily until the Superbowl.  If you recall, he played like he had never been injured!

Last year I had a second degree burn in the palm of my hand. I treated the nerves and skin within 4 hours. Eight days later, the skin was totally healed and the darkened area faded into the surrounding color of my skin.  End result:   Pain ended within 30 minutes of application of FSM.  No breakage of the skin and no scar because I got the current on it within the 4 hour window.

I have helped my husband with kitchen knife cuts (he’s a massage therapist so it’s critical that his hands are working well).  Application of the protocols within 4 hours and then again at 12 and 24 hours can close a cut like this in 48 hours.  He had no down time from work and only had a wear a finger cot on the first day.  The wound was closed by 48 hours and it was solid.

FSM’s effect on mine and my husband’s injuries are good examples of why owning a microcurrent unit for your home is one of the best investments into your health you could make.  You can purchase one through me or another practitioner who does this work or you can take the class and purchase one yourself if you want to learn how to use the software and load your unit.

There is hard science behind why FSM works.  It’s hard to believe but the numbers don’t lie.  Dr. Carol McMakin has been researching for 30 years and has the data to back this up.  Feeling is believing too.  Try it, it can only help!

If you want more information about FSM contact me or go to www.frequencyspecific.com.


Author: Bethann Vetter

Bethann Vetter is a Holistic Therapist, Medium and Teacher. She uses frequency balancing tools via her Mediumship in Trance skills to locate and provide the frequencies your unique set of imbalances requires. She uses her own subtle energy body technique, Epigenetic Reprogramming to help you clear subconscious level blocks. Frequency Specific Microcurrent is used for specific cellular level healing. Classes are available in active meditation skills such as mediumship and trance healing skills. Trance Healing sessions called QHHT© are also offered. Her frequency balancing ability works similar to the way Edgar Cayce worked. She tunes in to your issues and provides you with the necessary information, substances you might need as well as adjusting your frequency to a higher harmonic level. Her work is done by appointment only at a distance or in her office in Jacksonville Beach, FL.

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