November 17, 2018, Saturday.

Registration deadline: Monday, November 12

In this experiential 4 hour class, you will learn techniques which give you meditation-like-but-better skills. It helps you experience and learn the tools to give you access to the genius that comes from being fully attuned to the collective energy that connects us all. You will learn the techniques and experience their power in the class so that you can practice them at home to continue to receive the benefit of healing you on all levels of your body, mind and spirit.

Each time to attend class you receive assistance to help you get to the next level of development of your skill set. There is always something new to learn and deeper to go with the skills as these are skills that when used regularly can make change to your body, mind, behavior, life and relationships.

Skills I teach will bring you all that meditation gives you AND MORE because they heal those areas and issues that seem unreachable or unsolvable such as old lingering grief and trauma. These skills bring you both the quiet bliss of meditation and the active healing energies for all levels of your Body-Mind and Spirit. Human beings have the innate physical and energetic design which when provided with the skills for attuning to Source Energy, will heal themselves spontaneously on multiple levels simultaneously. My self healing education provides you with skills and processes that assist you in resolving the non-conscious and cellular memory roots of pain, stress and other life imbalances. Slowly over the past centuries we have been lulled into disbelief of our innate ability to provide healing to our bodies and minds.  Learning and applying these skills of self healing will return us to our original state of self-sufficiency for all levels of our health and well-being. Humans work best as a team when we are empowered as individuals so that our Spirit is back in the driver’s seat of our life.

Course Description:

This is not a “one and done” kind of class. Every time you attend a class you deepen your use of a skill even if you have already be given the basics of the skill from another class. These skills are endlessly complex; there is always a deeper level of the skill to learn. If you have attended any of my classes before you will learn the next level deeper of the skills you know AND receive a new starting point for your private practice. Group energy and the difference in the individuals attending your class, this time, provide you will deeper healing and learning. In addition, when you take a class things are different in your life, which means you will hear, see and experience the class differently each time you attend.

Exactly what skills are taught is dependent upon the level of expertise of the students who register. The exercises that are developed and taught fit what is going on universally for us all at the time of class and are designed to clear, release and heal you and give you that push you need for use of the skills at home.

Among the skills that may be taught are: Self Healing Frequency Technique, Seated Posture Technique, Chakra Balancing Technique, Quieting the Body, Update/Reboot Technique, Auric Field work, Guide work, Soul Reading, Collective communication, and beginning mediumship. Other exercises involve working with energy fields of others and learning to see, feel and otherwise work with the human field. These skills are taught in a supportive chair, not on a yoga mat. This is to induce a total release of tension through the body and mind.


What ever the problem is someone is having- relationship issues, physical problems, depression anxiety begin to improve with the healings in class and then their repeated use of the skills at home.  The skills open the human channel and connection (attune it) to where all the answers come from for their guidance.  Humans, especially american’s have become oriented to look to other’s, doctors, mothers, fathers, for the solutions to their problems and we are all in trouble in the country as a result.  We love getting advice from a person and then blaming them when the advice doesn’t work for them.  I teach how to by pass getting advice and how to get the answers tailor made for them.  One student in the last class got a message loud and clear that she MUST eliminate all sugar from her diet.  I didn’t tell her that, she said it felt/heard/saw it in the attunement exercise we had just done when we were in feedback after the exercise.

When we turn off the monkey mind/brain and body input, it allows us to connect to/attune to the true us– the Spirit/Soul us who is our original essence and vitality. THAT is where the answers are and healing comes from that either in bits in pieces over time– slow elimination symptom by symptom of a disease OR can be spontaneous and immediate. 


4 hours: $75.00


Jacksonville Beach. Specific location to be announced once registration is closed.

PRE-REQUISTES: None. All skill levels welcome. Each class’s lesson plan and experiential exercises are tailored to the needs of the registered participants.


Please register by clicking the any of the purple class registration buttons on this page.  

You will want to complete the registration form at least by the Monday before our Saturday class.  This way I can prepare my presentation to exactly what you need. No two classes are ever the same; each one is completely tailored for the participants and require considerable preparation.

Once you have submitted the registration form, you will be taken to a Paypal area where you can process payment.

If you wish to pay by check or cash please contact me via email and make arrangements with me to pay in full by or before 2 weeks prior to the class date.



If you have taken my classes before, please be advised that even if similar techniques are taught compared to your previous class, the specific exercises will be different which intend to help you learn the next level deeper or another facet of the skill. These skills are simple yet have many layers of practice and understanding to attain. My classes are designed to be taken over and over again, as with each pass you get a deeper understanding, deeper healing, learn a new facet of the work, a whole new skill, or finally “get” something you missed previous times. Ah-ha moments are common as you deepen your ability and skill with these techniques

Self Healing energy classThese are energy healing skills for use on self and with a partner. Working with these basic skills prepares you for higher frequency healing techniques for more spontaneous healing for yourself and others. In advanced classes you learn to work with Creative Intelligence for those “hard-to-answer” questions that no other person can effectively answer for you.

Learning to use the basic skills of energy to heal yourself is the first step toward being effective in your life. If your interest is in Spiritual Development, Personal Growth or Inner Development, this course is the one that gives you the basics for these paths. If you want to prevent or resolve body issues, heal relationships or become a better professional (as a healer, teacher, counselor or whatever your helping career), learning to heal yourself with these skills will provide you will tools that you work with at home which continue to grow with you.

The classes are designed to assist you in cultivating a comfort level with the energy skills so you are more likely to practice them at home.

Skills taught help you move into a new place of power within yourself for healing the deeper levels of our life problems not accessed with the conscious mind and which are the roots of all imbalances in life.

If you have questions about my classes, contact me via email listed on my website under Contact.

To confirm your spot in class, please register below –

Author: Bethann Vetter

Bethann Vetter is a Holistic Therapist, Medium and Teacher. She uses frequency balancing tools via her Mediumship in Trance skills to locate and provide the frequencies your unique set of imbalances requires. She uses her own subtle energy body technique, Epigenetic Reprogramming to help you clear subconscious level blocks. Frequency Specific Microcurrent is used for specific cellular level healing. Classes are available in active meditation skills such as mediumship and trance healing skills. Trance Healing sessions called QHHT© are also offered. Her frequency balancing ability works similar to the way Edgar Cayce worked. She tunes in to your issues and provides you with the necessary information, substances you might need as well as adjusting your frequency to a higher harmonic level. Her work is done by appointment only at a distance or in her office in Jacksonville Beach, FL.

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