Healing with Energy, Workshops
Date: July 14, 12:30-4:30 Registration Deadline: July 11, 2018 In this experiential 4 hour class, you will learn techniques that will give you meditation-like-but-better skills. You will learn the techniques and experience their power in the class so that you can...
Medium | Mediumship, Workshops
Advance your Self Healing skill set and learn how to connect, viscerally heal and receive messages from the Intelligence of Oneness. Registration Deadline July 6. Date: July 20, 5-8 pm and July 21, 10-5 (with lunch break) Location: Jacksonville Beaches area, specific...
Healing with Energy, Workshops
June 12 & 16. Learn how to quiet and still your mind and improve your ability to receive healing that can solve problems more creatively than your brain can. The skills I teach are like-meditation-but-better because of their ability to train your brain and body...