Core Work, Healing with Energy
Going within, to the inner world, as Gandhi said, is the only way to resolve conflict. If conflict exists in the world you are perceiving with your physical eyes, or within your physical body, then conflict exists within your inner world. The only way to resolve...
Healing with Energy, Workshops
Date: July 14, 12:30-4:30 Registration Deadline: July 11, 2018 In this experiential 4 hour class, you will learn techniques that will give you meditation-like-but-better skills. You will learn the techniques and experience their power in the class so that you can...
Healing with Energy, Workshops
June 12 & 16. Learn how to quiet and still your mind and improve your ability to receive healing that can solve problems more creatively than your brain can. The skills I teach are like-meditation-but-better because of their ability to train your brain and body...